Time to wake up. I have screwed up my life. Wrong decisions made, wrong choice chosen, wrong actions done. I regretted. 明知前面有個火坑,難道還那么傻,去飛蛾撲火、玩火自焚嗎?
I dunno why i have become more feeling and thinking. It sux. Why have I changed? This is not me. And I hate it. Hate the way it brings the unwelcomed joy and unwanted sadness. Can't really ignore things now. 要在乎別人的感受,在乎自己的感受...不能在狠心一點、心狠手辣一點嗎?
Congratulations JWWT!! You have just screwed up your life. Here's ur certificate.
# posted by JwwT at
11:31 PM