


Thursday, October 21, 2010

sigh...not in a very good mood today. Bball is really a nice way to 發泄情緒。Tire urself up so that u have no more energy to think of other stuff. But the stupid haze....damn it!
I am totally fine with the idea of me making someone angry, cos it doesn't hurt me. 是生氣的人自討苦吃,跟我沒關係。But it is when i make someone who cared for me disappointed in me...that really upsets me. Totally. Is like, i will feel super bad and apologetic and think that i am such worse person. But what is done cannot be undone, no matter how apologetic you are, once u stained a white shirt, no matter how u wash, the stain can still be seen, no matter how faint it is.
