


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I shld be contented with life. shldnt be so 悲观 everytime. 虽然比上不足,但比下有余。 cannot always be so unhappy abt life right? There are more ppl out thr who are less fortunate than me. at least I got shelter, got the opportunity to study, got a new phone, got friends to be the for me, got squadmates who will support me..kk shall brainwash myself with these so that I can be a happier person and wun get so emo everytime I had setbacjs :)
忍一是风平浪静, 退一步海阔天空。不要太在意别人怎么看你。 只要相信自己和爱你的人。因为只有你自己和他们才是最了解你的 :) 其他人对你的指指点点不需去理会,无益处。伤神。
kk believe in myself and let's go MUG!!!