...i nvr come home eat, she cook...i come home to eat, she dun cook... i think she wun cook nvr come home eat, she cook...i come home to eat, she dun cook cos she thinks she cook no one come home eat so dun want cook liao...
...viscious cycle...

the day before nvr go home eat den she got cook. den complain she cook no one cme back eat. sms at 6 she only cook rice nia. den ystd before go lesson ask me wat time come back i say right after lesson. reached home at 4..wait wait wait~~~until 6 hungry liao nvr see her go cook. wait wait wait~~~ 7 liao. wait wait wait~~~ 8 liao.. nvr go cook. ya 故意的啊? i come home so early wait for ur dinner dun want cook right? fine~ i go slp lah.
8 plus go on bed want slp...after 3 hrs still cannot slp cos got this stupid mozzie in my room, make me cant slp and snooze... 終于有點睡意了,den she come in 開 karaoke..wah dun need slp liao lah.. go living room lie on sofa...go back room again at 12 finally can slp.
woke up at 930..totally dun feel energised at all. the brain feels no rest. wanted to slp early last night so that today got jing shen can study. in the end it's a lose-lose situation. wasted 4 hrs last night. now still feel tired but cant fall back aslp. retarded.
last night got super heavy thunderstorm. the thunder roar like crazy. totally feels like the world is going to end soon. sighh at that pt in time i totally dun mind if the world is going to collapse at that instant. at least i can die in my slp and really 成仙了。
watched this dunno 中國德教 show on the chnl 8 kiddy showtime. yea..talking abt 孝道. siigghhh not like i dun want to be 孝順 but 做人做到這樣我想孝順也很難吧?ppl 孟宗's mother so nice that's why he crazy crazy 大冬天 go 挖竹筍 for his mother. sighh dunno lah sian.
finished H3 test on thurs. finally the journey of H3 ended. but seriously the test started 30 min late ~_~" and it's suppose to be an A lvl exam..and my mum come back from thailand that day nvr bring hse key. i told my bro to be at home at that time liao. but how i know he not at home? den now she blame me why nvr tell her i got exam that day when she called back to tell me she got no key when she left. and blame me nvr convey msg properly. as if i noe my bro retard not at home? and as if if i tell her i got exam she will come back take key is it? siao. how i now my exam start late? if not i alrd at home waiting to open door for her lah wth.
seriously.. finish H3 suppose to be happy de. 被她這樣一搞 i totally pmsing liao. i totally enjoyed the 4 days she not at home. peace. i can slp in peace too. dun need worry abt dinner cos i noe i need to settle it myself. wah she come home totalyl become so noisy. 一回來就 nag. lucky my bro not at home lah. i have to endure it all by myslef. i totally allergic to her voice. freak! why cant i like other ppl will miss their mums when they are not arnd? i also want to tell be able to tell ppl i love my mum...my fault ah? si mi sai..this is crazy.
# posted by JwwT at
10:47 AM