yo ppl, i'm back from fuzhou. not in a very good mood now. plus some more, i got a headache now. wts...
kk, the fuzhou trip wasn't a very pleasant one as compared to my sec 3 and 4 eoy trip and ocip. furthermore, came back and check my email......and....dint get very good news. yeah, my appeal failed...yeah, jiu i learnt my lesson. because i dint work hard enough, i dint get wat i wanted most. this is the first time that cos of my results, i cant get wat i wanted, k, maybe not the first, but yeah....就很恨自己。都是自己惹的禍,能怪誰能?不能怨天憂人,只能怪自己當初為何臨時抱佛腳,沒有發奮?難過是當然的。恢複後再整裝出發吧....嗨....也只能這樣自我安慰了。
福州之旅,有點後悔參加了。每天猶如度日如年,好辛苦,好希望時間能快點過,趕緊回來。終于回來了!!! 第一,那裏的天氣真的讓我受不了。太冷了。再來,那裏的空氣實在是太差了。ppl smoke here smoke there, smoke anywhere and everywhere! WTS!!! even in airconditioned, wrong, they dont need aicon...even in enclosed areas also smoke! wth lah...seriously, i go there 壽命至少減少二十!我忍得好辛苦 T.T 最後,那裏天氣好干,嘴唇和臉皮都破了><" sigh....至少自己的家鄉去過一次...也幸好沒生病。差一點就病倒了。要生病也回來生比較好。(shit! 頭更痛了!)
去武夷山的那三天,因為是在山上,氣溫更低。第二天晚上還在露天的地方看表演...冷到不行。不知道是幾度,但講話都會冒煙。而且聽說晚上凌晨時氣溫會降到0度...就是有那么地冷。那三天也將近爬了應該有2000級階梯吧?siao liao....
and...i really cant stand my mum le.seriously,she's pissing me off...write here cos my bro's gf got read my blog de..sigh..wth..total regrets...
# posted by JwwT at
5:22 PM