IH finally over!!! 不知怎么了,最近与妈的关系突然好了许多...也许是她的脾气变好,不在那么唠叨,又或许是我的态度改善了。但不管怎样,希望这关系可以维持就一点...
After resting today, need to start studying for other subjects le...
Finally...got back my sicko assignment...
Failed it.
I really put in a lot of effort...but somtime they just dont pay off... So what can I do?? 光靠后天的努力是没用的,还得有先天的智慧。
Finished LA paper yesterday...screwed the unseen...
Mugging for IH now...hope that the result can compensate a little to sicko...
haha...I dont know korean..just find that this pic is cute...
EOYs!!! Haha..broke my record. Studied after sch for the whole week!!! But have not been progressing at home so far...trying to do chem TYS..but it is so boring!!! Anyway, Hui Yee, jia you for ur SICKO!!! And squadmates! IMPT!!! The chalet is only available from 15-18, and 23 onwards...which means got ppl book the chalet from 19-22...so when can we know our hospital duty??? JIA YOU!!! :]
long time no update le!!! but eoys are coming, so shan't blog for the time being...
i had been studying (and watching hong kong drama) with hazel and zoe these 2 days...
anyway, here are the photos of my malaysia trip..like from 8aug to 11aug...haha